Where we Go
The Region We Serve
Honduras is located in the heart of Central America and has a population exceeding 9 million people. It is a biodiversity hotspot like most countries in Central America and is known for its small scale agriculture. To the north is the Caribbean Sea, with extensive beaches and the second greatest barrier reef in the world. To the south is the Pacific Ocean, with a black sand gulf that embraces calm waters. Honduras is known for its rich natural resources, including minerals, coffee, tropical fruit, and sugar cane, as well as for its growing textiles industry, which serves the international market.
According to the world bank, a 48.3 percent of people live in poverty in the country and the percentage of people living in poverty in rural areas is 60.1 percent. Inequality, among the highest in the region and the world, had also resulted in one of the smallest middle classes in Latin America and the Caribbean, 11 percent in 2015, compared with 35 percent regional average. The dependence on small scale agriculture makes the countries population extremely vulnerable to climate change. The climate condition known as El Niño is creating a phenomenon called the Dry Corridor in southern Honduras, resulting in extremes of heat and critical rain shortages. The United Nations has recognized this climate phenomenon as a humanitarian crisis.

The Dry Corridor
The Central American Dry Corridor is a tropical dry forest region on the Pacific Coast of Central America. It extends from southern Mexico to Panama and includes the area of Honduras that Cape CARES serves. The lack of rainwater is worsening the extremes of poverty and resulting in loss of crops sustenance agriculture that many families depend. forty seven percent of the families in this area are reported to be food insecure.

Cape CARES Clinics
Honduras is divided into 18 departamentos. Cape Cares' clinics are in two locations; Los Encinitos which is in the Francisco Morazan Departamento and San Marcos located in Valle Departamento, both residing in the dry corridor of the country. Cape CARES volunteers have seen first hand what the climate crisis is doing to the health of the communities we partner with. Below is the location of our clinics in relation to the nation's capital, Tegucigalpa.

San Marcos
Los Encinitos
Fransisco Morazan