Our Partners

Knights of Malta
Cape CARES is most grateful to the Honduran members of the Knights of Malta for their support and assistance in coordination of Cape CARES medical/dental missions. The Knights’ play a vital role in the success of our efforts to bring services to the people at our sites. The historic mission of the Knights of Malta is to help the sick, the needy, and the most disadvantaged in society. The Knights continue their work today, operating in more than 120 countries. Their programs include medical and social assistance, disaster relief in the case of armed conflicts and natural catastrophes, emergency services and first aid corps, help for the elderly, the handicapped and children in need, the provision of first aid training, and support for refugees and internally displaced persons regardless of race, origin or religion. The Order of Malta has been operating with this impartial perspective for over 900 years, caring for people of all beliefs – Muslim, Orthodox, Catholic, Protestant, and Jewish.
Discovery School
Cape CARES and the Discovery School have worked together for several years to help the people in southern Honduras. Students from the school join Cape CARES teams to serve as translators and general helpers. A chaperone accompanies the students as they participate on our one-week missions at our clinics. These experiences have been very positive for the students as well as for the teams. Being bilingual, the students and c haperones are effective translators, familiar with the nuances of Honduran Spanish. In addition, they are objective in their translations and have no preconceived notions about the patients or the medical conditions.

The Agrolibano Foundation
The Agrolibano Foundation has been working with Cape CARES in Southern Honduras since 2015. The are a multi-faceted organization, with a health program that supports clinics in 19 communities. Most of the communities only have services from nurses, medical students and dental students, so they are quite inviting to brigades. Agrolibano has been very supportive of the primary care approach, fostered by Cape CARES.
Mayor Potencial
Mayor Potencial is a local Honduran organization that strives to promote sustainable community development in rural Latin America and to empower future leaders to foster social change. Cape CARES has been partnering with Mayor Potencial since 2015, collaborating on vitamin, food and water projects. We are so grateful for this organizational partnership and our great friends! The organization is 100% Volunteer-run.